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1.      Xiao Li, Yibin Zhang, Bao Qiu*,Guoxin Chen, Yuhuan Zhou, Qingwen Gu, and

Zhaoping Liu*, Dependence of Initial Capacity Irreversibility on Oxygen Framework Chemistry in Li-Rich Layered Cathode Oxides, Energy Environmental Materials 2024, 0,e12722   (PDF)

2.     Liyin Hou, Lina Kong, Zhipeng Ma, Xufeng Zhou*, Zhaoping Liu*, Guangjie Shao*, Phosphorylated Co(OH)2@NiFe-LDH core–shell heterostructure for highly efficient alkaline water splitting, Materials Letters, 2024, 358, 135764   (PDF)

3.    Wenhui Li, Junliang Ma, Baishan Liu, Wei Wang* and Zhaoping Liu*, Facile fabrication of layer-structured graphene/copper composite with enhanced electrical and mechanical properties, Materials Research Express, 2024, 11, 046510  (PDF)

4.  Ruixuan Zhang#, Qiushi Wang#, Liang Chen*, Jun Zhang, Zhaoping Liu*, High‑voltage and long‑life aqueous lithium‑ion batteries based on polyanionic framework structured Na3V2(PO4)3 and NbOPO4 in novel deep eutectic solvents, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry,  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10800-024-02120-0    (PDF)

5.     Chang Xu, Liang Chen*, Xufeng Zhou, and Zhaoping Liu*, Achieving a Practical High-Voltage Lithium Metal Battery by the Use of a High-Concentration Fluorinated Carbonate Electrolyte, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2024, 128, 7884−7891 (PDF)

6.      方泽平,邱 报,刘兆平,富锂层状氧化物正极材料“可逆高氧活性”的研究进展,储能科学与技术,Jan. 2024 Vol.13 No.1 

7.      苏利伟,段垄涓,陈亮,刘兆平,电解液添加剂对高电压氧化亚硅-石墨‖富锂电池性能的影响, 浙江工业大学学报,1006-4303(2026)01-0000-00 



1.      Haocheng Guo, Sicheng Wu, Wen Chen, Zhen Su, Qing Wang, Neeraj Sharma,Chengli Rong, Simon Fleischmann, Zhaoping Liu,* and Chuan Zhao*, Hydronium Intercalation Enables High Rate in Hexagonal Molybdate Single Crystals, Advanced Materials, 2023, 2307118   (PDF)

2.      Yimei Li, Qiang Guo, Yong Wu, Danfeng Ying, Yanan Yu, Tengsheng Chi, Shengjie Xia, Xufeng Zhou,* and Zhaoping Liu*, Artificial Graphite Paper as a Corrosion-Resistant Current Collector for Long-Life Lithium Metal Batteries, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023,2214523   (PDF)

3.     Lingcai Zeng, Haoyan Liang, Bao Qiu,* Zhepu Shi, Sijie Cheng, Kaixiang Shi, Quanbing Liu,* and Zhaoping Liu*, Voltage Decay of Li-Rich Layered Oxides: Mechanism, Modification Strategies, and Perspectives, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 2213260    (PDF)

4.     Ying Li, Zhepu Shi, Bao Qiu,* Jialiang Zhao, Xiao Li, Yibin Zhang, Tingting Li, Qingwen Gu, Jing Gao,* and Zhaoping Liu*, Optimizing Both Bulk and Surface Structure of Li-Rich Layered Cathodes for Long-Life and Safe Li-Ion Batteries, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 2302236    (PDF)

5.     Yibin Zhang, Xiaohui Wen, Zhepu Shi, Bao Qiu*, Guoxin Chen, Zhaoping Liu*, Oxygen-defects evolution to stimulate continuous capacity increase in Co-free Li-rich layered oxides, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2023, 82,259-267    (PDF)

6.     Chong Yin#, Mingyuan Ge#, Youngmin Chung, Jianming Bai, Wah-Keat Lee, Kim Kisslinger, Steven N. Ehrlich, Xianghui Xiao, Bao Qiu, Stephen E. Trask, Alison R. Dunlop, Andrew N. Jansen, Zhaoping Liu,* Youngho Shin,* and Fen Wang*, High-Nickel Heterostructured Cathodes with Local Stoichiometry Control for High-Voltage Operation, Small Structures, 2023, 2300236    (PDF)

7.     Yanan Yu, Danfeng Ying, Shijie Xu, Qiang Guo, Yimei Li, Shuhui Wang,Xufeng Zhou*, Guangjie Shao**, Zhaoping Liu***, Graphene coated lithium foil anode enables long cycle life Li metal, Carbon, 2023, 215, 118498    (PDF)

8.     Jialiang Zhao, Zhepu Shi, Zhilong He, Zhou Zhou, Fanqun Li, Min Su,Yongfeng Zeng, Qingwen Gu, Ying Li, Tingting Li, Bao Qiu* , Zhaoping Liu**, Optimizing the potential of intercalation on anode for long-cycle 420 Wh/kg Li-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 580, 233393    (PDF)

9.     Qiang Guo, Shuhui Wang, Yimei Li, Jin Wang, Yong Wu, Yanan Yu, Shengjie Xia,Di Hu, Binjie Hu, Zhenya Ye, Xufeng Zhou*, George Zheng Chen**,Zhaoping Liu***, Weldable and electrochemically stable composite of graphene and polyvinylidene fluoride as a current collector for promoting reversible lithium plating/stripping, Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 580, 233401     (PDF)

10.     Shuhui Wang, Zibo Zhang, Qiang Guo, Zhaonan Li, Xufeng Zhou* , Daojie Dong,Jin Wang, Yanan Yu, Shengjie Xia, Zhaoping Liu*, The application of hard carbon with internal quasi-lithium metal deposition in high-energy Li-ion/Li-metal hybrid batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2023, 468, 143194      (PDF)

11.     Xin Li, Cancan Bian, Jun Zhang, Jian Hong, Rusheng Fu, Xufeng Zhou,* Zhaoping Liu,*and Guangjie Shao*, Chemical Pre-lithiation of SiOx Anodes with a Weakly Solvating Solution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons for Lithium-Ion Batteries, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2023, 468, 143194      (PDF)

12.    Lina Kong, Liyin Hou, Meichen Liu, Wen Chen, Xueyan Xu*, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu* , Guangjie Shao*, Highly defective N-doped carbon/reduced graphene oxide composite cathode material with rapid electrons/ions dual transport channels for high energy density lithium-ion capacitor, Electrochimica Acta, 2023, 443,141704 (PDF)

13.      Peng Xu, Liqiong Wu, Xiaohui Zhang, Wei Wang, Xufeng Zhou*, and Zhaoping Liu*, Highly flexible and conductive graphene films for low cost RFID applications, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2023, 34, 913    (PDF)

14.       Binbin Xiao, Mengqing Yin, Wanfa Li, Lingyan Liang, Shixun Dai, Xiaohui Zhang, Wei Wang* and Zhaoping Liu*, Significant Enhanced Mechanical Properties of Suspended Graphene Film by Stacking Multilayer CVD Graphene Films, Micromachines, 2023, 14,745    (PDF)

15.       Jingru Yang, Xixiu Shi, Wenyang Wang, Zhaoping Liu*, and Cai Shen*, Localized High-Concentration Electrolyte (LHCE) for Fast Charging Lithium-Ion Batteries, Batteries, 2023, 9, 155    (PDF)

16.      Xixiu Shi, Jingru Yang, Wenyang Wang, Zhaoping Liu*, and Cai Shen*, Electrochemical Atomic Force Microscopy Study on the Dynamic Evolution of Lithium Deposition, Materials, 2023, 16, 2278     (PDF)

17.       Zhichao Guo, Zhenya Ye, Mengqing Yin, Shixun Dai, Xiaohui Zhang, Wei Wang* and Zhaoping Liu*, Growth of Low-Defect Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Film Using Condensation-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition Method, Materials, 2023, 16, 1120   (PDF)

18.       Tengsheng Chi, Xu Wang, Lingcai Zeng, Zhihong Qin, Xufeng Zhou*, and Zhaoping Liu*, Unraveling the Effect of Conductive Additives on Li-Ion Diffusion Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy: A Case Study of Graphene vs. Carbon Black, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2023, 170, 040515    (PDF)

19.       Xinhai Wang, Liqiong Wu, Hua Chen, Wei Wang* and Zhaoping Liu*, Frequency-Reconfigurable Microstrip Patch Antenna Based on Graphene Film, Electronics, 2023, 170, 040515    (PDF)

20.       Liyin Hou, Xufeng Zhou, Lina Kong, Zhipeng Ma, Li Su, Zhaoping Liu*,and Guangjie Shao*, Alkali-Etched NiCoAl-LDH with Improved Electrochemical Performance for Asymmetric Supercapacitors, Nanomaterials, 2023, 13, 1192    (PDF)

21.       Wen Chen#, Han Xiao#, Liyin Hou, Xueyan Xu, Lina Kong, Xufeng Zhou*, Zhaoping Liu*, A flexible composite film electrode and supercapacitor based on combined effect between graphene oxide and graphene, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2023, 297, 116724    (PDF)

22.       Yusong Zhao, Wenlong Li, Jun Wu, Xufeng Zhou*, and Zhaoping Liu*, A Scalable and Controllable Li-Powder-Coating Prelithiation Method Toward Ultralong-life and High-Energy-Density LiFePO4 Battery, Energy Technology, 2023, 2300344    (PDF)

23.      Jian Hong, Jun Zhang, Xin Li,Yufen Guo, Xufeng Zhou,* and Zhaoping Liu*, Graphene-Wrapped Composites of Si Nanoparticles, Carbon Nanofibers, and Pyrolytic Carbon as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2023, 6,10138-10147    (PDF)

24.       Lina Kong, Xueyan Xu,* Liyin Hou, Meichen Liu, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu,* and Guangjie Shao*, Phosphorus and Nitrogen Codoped Carbon Nanoparticles as Both Anode and Cathode Materials with Enhanced Li + /PF 6 − Storage for High Energy Density Lithium-Ion Capacitors, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023, 11, 12583-12594    (PDF)

25.       Yulin Kong,Yawei Xiao,ShutaoZhang, Lian Chen,Zhaoping Liu* and Yude Wang*, Open-framework aluminum hexacyanoferrate as a cathode material for high voltage aqueous zinc-ion batteries: effect of Al3+ cations on three-phase transition of AlFe(CN) 6, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2023, 10, 7274-7284    (PDF)

26.       Yan Gong, Xiao Li, Lingcai Zeng, Yuanfei Huang, Bao Qiu,* and Zhaoping Liu*, Tuning Local Structural Configurations to Improve Oxygen-Redox Reversibility of Li-Rich Layered Oxides, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2023, 14, 4575-4582    (PDF)

27.       Yu-Fen Guo, Hui-Tao Zhang, Yue-Wen Liu, Xu-Feng Zhou*, Zhao-Ping Liu*, Molecular-scale grinding of uniform small-size graphene flakes for use as lubricating oil additives, New Carbon Materials, 2023, 38(5), 954-963    (PDF)

28.      李婷婷,赵佳亮,邱 报,刘兆平,富锂锰基正极微观结构的优化研究, 电源技术, 2023.10 Vol.47 No.10 

29.       Chaofu Zhou, Feng Lin**, Yongliang Tang, Yu Liu, Xin Luo, Yu Qi, Songzi Xu, Yunao Qiu, Hongzhen Yan, Xin Tong, Arup Neogi, Zhaoping Liu, Xufeng Zhou, Chong Wang, Jiming Bao* , Zhiming Wang***, Highly effective electromagnetic interference shielding composites with solvent-dispersed uniformly aligned graphene nanosheets enabled by strong intrinsic diamagnetism under magnetic field, Materials Today Physics, 2023, 31, 100985    (PDF)

30.       John Holoubek#, Haodong Liu#, Qizhang Yan#,Zhaohui Wu, Bao Qiu, Minghao Zhang, Sicen Yu, Shen Wang, Jianbin Zhou, Tod A. Pascal, Jian Luo, Zhaoping Liu, Ying Shirley Meng, and Ping Liu*, Locally Saturated Ether-Based Electrolytes With Oxidative Stability For Li Metal Batteries Based on Li-Rich Cathodes, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15, 45764−45773    (PDF)


1.      Wei Deng, Xue Yin, Wurigumula Bao, Xufeng Zhou*,  Zhiyuan Hu, Bangyi He, Bao Qiu, Ying Shirley Meng*, Zhaoping Liu*, Quantifying Reversible/Irreversible Lithium in Practical Lithium Metal Batteries, Nature Energy, 2022, 7, 1031-1041  (PDF)

2.     Xiao Li#, Qingwen Gu#, Bao Qiu*, Chong Yin, Zhining Wei, Wen Wen, Yibin Zhang, Yuhuan Zhou, Han Gao, Haoyan Liang, Zhilong He, Minghao Zhang*, Ying Shirley Meng*, Zhaoping Liu*,Rational design of thermally stable polymorphic layered cathode materials for next generation lithium rechargeable batteries, Materials Today, 2022, 61, 91-103 (PDF)

3.      Yibin Zhang, Chong Yin, Bao Qiu*, Guoxin Chen, You Shang, Zhaoping Liu*, Revealing Li-ion diffusion kinetic limitations in micron-sized Li-rich layered oxides, Energy Storage Materials, 2022, 53: 763–773   (PDF)

4.      Zhenyuan Liu, Bangyi He, Zibo Zhang, Wei Deng, Daojie Dong, Shengjie Xia, Xufeng Zhou,*and Zhaoping Liu*, Lithium/Graphene Composite Anode with 3D Structural LiF Protection Layer for High-Performance Lithium Metal Batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14: 2871-2880     (PDF)

5.        Xiaohui Wen#,Chong Yin#,Bao Qiu*, Liyang Wan, Yuhuan Zhou, Zhining Wei,Zhepu Shi, Xing Huang, Qingwen Gu, Zhaoping Liu**, Controls of oxygen-partial pressure to accelerate the electrochemical activation in Co-free Li-rich layered oxide cathodes, Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 523: 231022   (PDF)

6.        Lingcai Zeng#, Kaixiang Shi#, Bao Qiu, Haoyan Liang, Junhao Li, Wei Zhao, Suli Li,Weigang Zhang, Zhaoping Liu* , Quanbing Liu*, Hydrophobic surface coating against chemical environmental instability for Ni-rich layered oxide cathode materials, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 437:135276     (PDF)

7.         Zibo Zhang, Hao Luo, Zhenyuan Liu, Shuhui Wang, Xufeng Zhou* Zhaoping Liu*; A chemical lithiation induced Li 4.4 Sn lithiophilic layer for anode-free lithium metal batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10: 9670-9679     (PDF)

8.         Fei Zhao, Wei Deng, Daojie Dong, Xufeng Zhou*, Zhaoping Liu**, Seamlessly integrated alloy-polymer interphase for high-rate and long-life lithium metal anodes, Materials Today Energy, 2022, 26: 100988    (PDF)

9.         Shutao Zhang, Liang Chen,* Daojie Dong, Yulin Kong, Jun Zhang, Junru Liu, and Zhaoping Liu*, AmV2O5 with Binary Phases as High-Performance Cathode Materials for Zinc-Ion Batteries: Effect of the Pre-Intercalated Cations A and Reversible Transformation of Coordination Polyhedra, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14:24415-24424     (PDF)

10.         Minjing Chen, Yunbo Huang, Zhepu Shi, Hao Luo, Zhaoping Liu* and Cai Shen*, Effect of High-Voltage Additives on Formation of Solid Electrolyte Interphases in Lithium-Ion Batteries, Materials, 2022, 15:3662    (PDF)

11.         Lihang Chen,Jie Shu, Yunbo Huang, Zhepu Shi, Hao Luo, Zhaoping Liu*, Cai Shen*, Engineering solid electrolyte interphase for the application of propylene carbonate solvent for graphite anode in low temperate battery, Applied Surface Science, 2022, 598:153740      (PDF)

12.         Daojie Dong, Fei Zhao, Shengjie Xia, Zhenyuan Liu, Shuhui Wang, Qiang Guo, Xufeng Zhou*, Zhaoping Liu*, Ag Nanoparticle-Decorated Mesocarbon Microbeads for Homogeneous Lithium Deposition toward Stable Hybrid Anodes, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022, 5, 7908-7916     (PDF)

13.         Yi Ouyang, Gang Lou, Ying Xie, Wei Wang*, Zhaoping Liu*, Relating the orientation of graphene on Cu grains by Euler Angles, Surfaces and Interfaces, 2022, 30:101837    (PDF)

14.         Cancan Bian,Rusheng Fu,Zhepu Shi, Jingjing Ji, Jun Zhang, Wen Chen, Xufeng Zhou*, Siqi Shi*,Zhaoping Liu*, Mg2SiO4/Si-Coated Disproportionated SiO Composite Anodes with High Initial Coulombic Efficiency for Lithium Ion Batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14: 15337−15345     (PDF)

15.         Junru Liu, Qiushi Wang, Liang Chen*, Jun Zhang, Jiemiao Pan, Xiaomin Wang*,Zhaoping Liu*, Carbon-coated monoclinic NbOPO 4 with polyanionic framework for rechargeable aqueous lithium-ion batteries beyond 2 V, Electrochimica Acta, 2022, 426: 140579     (PDF)

16.         Haocheng Guo, Liyang Wan, Jiaqi Tang, Sicheng Wu, Zhen Su, Neeraj Sharma,Yu Fang, Zhaoping Liu*, Chuan Zhao*, Stable colloid-in-acid electrolytes for long life proton batteries, Nano Energy, 2022, 102: 107642     (PDF)

17.        Jun Zhang, Rusheng Fu, Yue Shi, Cancan Bian, Jingjing Ji, Liang Yun, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu*, Chuan Zhao*, Understanding the steric effect of graphene in graphene wrapped silicon suboxides anodes for Li-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 2022, 522: 231007     (PDF)

18        Zhining Wei, Zhepu Shi, Xiaohui Wen, Xiao Li, Bao Qiu**, Qingwen Gu, Jie Sun, Yingying Han, Hao Luo, Haocheng Guo, Yonggao Xia, Chong Yin, Peijun Cai***, Zhaoping Liu*, Eliminating oxygen releasing of Li-rich layered cathodes by tuning the distribution of superlattice domain, Materials Today Energy, 2022, 27: 101039    (PDF)

19.        Xiaohui Wen, Bao Qiu,* Han Gao, Xiao Li, Zhepu Shi, and Zhaoping Liu*, Synergistic Effects of Ni2+ and Mn3+ on the Electrochemical Activation of Li2MnO3 in Co-Free and Ni-Poor Li-Rich Layered Cathodes, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2022, 5, 9079−9089     (PDF)

20.      Wen Chen#, Han Xiao#, Xufeng Zhou,* Xueyan Xu, Shunqiong Jiang, Zhihong Qin, Shiyun Ding, Cancan Bian, and Zhaoping Liu*, Highly Deformable Graphene/Poly(3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene):Poly(styrene Sulfonate) Hydrogel Composite Film for Stretchable Supercapacitors, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2022, 5, 7277-7286    (PDF)

21.      Qiang Guo, Yanan Yu, Shengjie Xia, Cai Shen, Di Hu, Wei Deng, Daojie Dong, Xufeng Zhou*, George Zheng Chen*, and Zhaoping Liu*, CNT/PVDF Composite Coating Layer on Cu with a Synergy of Uniform Current Distribution and Stress Releasing for Improving Reversible Li Plating/Stripping, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces  2022, 14, 46043−46055

22.      Mengqing Yin, Liqiong Wu, Hua Chen, Xiaohui Zhang, Wei Wang*, Zhaoping Liu*, Transparent UHF RFID tags based on CVD-grown graphene films, Nanotechnology  2022, 33, 505501    (PDF)

23.      Shengjie Xia#, Qiang Guo#, Yanan Yu, Yimei Li, Shuhui Wang, Daojie Dong,Zhenyuan Liu,Hongmin Zhou, Xufeng Zhou* , Zhaoping Liu*, Surface modification of carbon fiber cloth with graphene oxide through an electrophoresis method for lithium metal anode, Carbon  2023, 203, 743-752    (PDF)

24.     Minjing Chen, Wenyang Wang, Zhepu Shi, Zhaoping Liu* , Cai Shen*, Revealing the cathode electrolyte interphase on Li- and Mn-rich materials by in-situ electrochemical atomic force microscopy, Applied Surface Science, 2022, 600, 154119  (PDF)

25.        韩雪,邓伟,周旭峰,刘兆平,石墨烯在储能领域应用的专利分析,储能科学与技术,2022,11,335-349  

26.        谢颖,韩磊,张志坤,汪伟,刘兆平,基于抛光基材的热蒸镀铜箔生长高平整单层石墨烯薄膜,人工晶体学报,2022,10.16553/j.cnki.issn1000-985x.20220906.002 (PDF)

27.        石玥,傅儒生,刘兆平,邵光杰,锂离子电池胀气行为及改性策略的研究进展,电源技术,2022.5 Vol.46 No.5

28.        Cristal Solares-Bockmon, Aniqa Ibnat Lim, Mohammadjavad Mohebinia, Xinxin Xing, Tian Tong, Xingpeng Li, Steven Baldelli, T.R. Lee, Wei Wang, Zhaoping Liu, Jiming Bao*, Generalized dynamic junction theory to resolve the mechanism of direct current generation in liquid-solid interfaces, Nano Energy, 2022, 99, 107364  (PDF)

29.        Jinsheng Liao*, Minghua Wang, Fulin Lin, Zhuo Han, Datao Tu*, Xueyuan Chen*, Bao Qiu*, He-Rui Wen, Thermally Boosted Upconversion and Downshifting Luminescence in Sc2(MoO4)3:Yb/Er with Two-Dimensional Negative Thermal Expansion, Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 2090   (PDF)



1.        Chong Yin# , Zhining Wei# , Minghao Zhang# , Bao Qiu*, Yuhuan Zhou,Yinguo Xiao, Dong Zhou, Liang Yun, Cheng Li, Qingwen Gu, Wen Wen,Xiao Li, Xiaohui Wen, Zhepu Shi, Lunhua He, Ying Shirley Meng*, Zhaoping Liu*, Structural insights into composition design of Li-rich layered cathode materials for high-energy rechargeable battery, Materials Today, 2021, 51, 15-26 (PDF)

2.         Wei Deng;  Wenhui Dai;  Xufeng Zhou*;  Qigao Han;  Wei Fang;  Ning Dong;  Bangyi He;  Zhaoping Liu*; Competitive solvation-induced concurrent protection on the anode and cathode toward a 400 Wh kg −1 lithium metal battery, ACS Energy Letters,2021, 6, 115-123  (PDF)

3.         Zhiyuan Hu#, Wei Deng#, Bangyi He, Jianhua Liang, Xufeng Zhou*, Zhaoping Liu*, Self-Adaptive 3D Skeleton with Charge Dissipation Capability for Practical Li Metal Pouch Cells, Nano Energy, 2022, 93,106805  (PDF)

4.         Chong Yin ; Liyang Wan ; Bao Qiu *;  Feng Wang; Wei Jiang ; Hongfu Cui ; Jianming Bai ; Ehrlich Steven;  Zhining Wei;  Zhaoping Liu*; Boosting energy efficiency of Li-rich layered oxide cathodes by tuning oxygen redox kinetics and reversibility, Energy Storage Materials, 2021, 35, 388-399   (PDF)

5.         Rusheng Fu, Jingjing Ji, Liang Yun, Yabei Jiang, Jun Zhang, Xufeng Zhou*, Zhaoping Liu*; Graphene wrapped silicon suboxides anodes with suppressed Li-uptake behavior enabled superior cycling stability, Energy Storage Materials, 2021, 35, 317-326  (PDF

6.         Cai Shen*, Yunbo Huang, Jingru Yang, Minjing Chen, Zhaoping Liu*; Unraveling the mechanism of ion and electron migration in composite solid-state electrolyte using conductive atomic force microscopy, Energy Storage Materials, 2021, 39, 271-277(PDF)

7.         Bangyi He#, Wei Deng#, Qigao Han, Wenhua Zhu, Zhiyuan Hu, Wei Fang, Xufeng Zhou*,Zhaoping Liu*, Scalable fabrication of a large-area lithium/graphene anode towards a long-life 350 W h kg-1 lithium metal pouch cell, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9, 25558–25566  (PDF)

8.         Zhepu Shi, Qingwen Gu, Liang Yun, Zhining Wei, Di Hu, Bao Qiu,* George Zheng Chen*, Zhaoping Liu *, A composite surface configuration towards improving cycling stability of Li-rich layered oxide materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9, 24426–24437  (PDF)

9.         Yuhuan Zhou;  Hongfu Cui; Bao Qiu *; Yuanhua Xia ;  Chong Yin; Liyang Wan ; Zhepu Shi ; Zhaoping Liu *; Sufficient oxygen redox activation against voltage decay in Li-rich layered oxide cathode materials, ACS Materials Letters, 2021, 3, 433−441 (PDF)

10.       Minghao Zhang #;  Bao Qiu#; Jose M. Gallardo-Amores; Marco Olguin;  Haodong Liu;  Yixuan Li;  Chong Yin; Sheng Jiang ;  Weiliang Yao; M. Elena Arroyo-de Dompablo;  Zhaoping Liu*; Ying Shirley Meng*;High Pressure Effect on Structural and Electrochemical Properties of Anionic Redox-Based Lithium Transition Metal Oxides, Matter, 2021, 4, 1-18 (PDF)

11.        Shunqiong Jiang,Xufeng Zhou*,Han Xiao,Wen Chen,Xueyan Xu, Zhaoping Liu*; Robust and durable flexible micro-supercapacitors enabled by graphene nanoscrolls , Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 405, 127009-127016  (PDF)

12.        Qiang Guo, Wei Deng, Shengjie Xia, Zibo Zhang, Fei Zhao, Binjie Hu, Sasa Zhang, Xufeng Zhou*, George Zheng Chen*, Zhaoping Liu*; Nano-channel-based physical and chemical synergic regulation fordendrite-free lithium plating, Nano Research, 2021  (PDF)

13.        Jianhua Liang, Wei Deng, Xufeng Zhou*, Shanshan Liang, Zhiyuan Hu, Bangyi He, Guangjie Shao*, Zhaoping Liu*; High Li-Ion Conductivity Artificial Interface Enabled by Li-Grafted Graphene Oxide for Stable Li Metal Pouch Cell, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 29500-29510  (PDF)

14.        Xue Yin, Wei Deng, Xufeng Zhou,* Bangyi He, Jianhua Liang, Zhiyuan Hu, Fei Zhao, Zhaoping Liu*; Revealing Anion Adsorption Mechanism for Coating Layer on Separator toward Practical Li Metal Batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 23584-23591  (PDF)

15.        Sasa Zhang, Wei Deng, Xufeng Zhou*,  Bangyi He, Jianhua Liang, Fei Zhao, Qiang Guo, Zhaoping Liu*; Controlled lithium plating in three-dimensional hosts through nucleation overpotential regulation toward high-areal-capacity lithium metal anode, Materials Today Energy, 2021, 13, 23584-23591  (PDF)

16.        Zibo Zhang, Xufeng Zhou*, Zhaoping Liu*; Conformal Coating of a Carbon Film on 3D Hosts toward Stable Lithium Anodes, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2021, 4, 7288-7297  (PDF)

17.        Zibo Zhang, Xufeng Zhou *, Zhaoping Liu *, Optimization of lithium nucleation by current density toward dendrite-free Li metal anode, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 893, 162389  (PDF)

18.        Zhikun Zhang, Lianlian Xia, Lizhao Liu, Yuwen Chen,Zuozhi Wang,Wei Wang, Dongge Ma*, Zhaoping Liu*; Ultra-smooth and robust graphene-based hybrid anode for high-performance flexible organic light-emitting diodes, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9, 2106-2114 (PDF)  

19.        Chong Yin#, Xiaohui Wen#, Liyang Wan, Zhepu Shi, Zhining Wei, Xiao Li, Bao Qiu*, Zhaoping Liu*, Surface reinforcement doping to suppress oxygen release of Li-rich cathode materials, Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 503, 230048  (PDF)  

20.        Gang Lou, Yi Ouyang, Ying Xie, Wei Wang*, Zhaoping Liu*; Growth of wrinkle-free and ultra-flat Bi-layer graphene on sapphire substrate using Cu sacrificial layer, Nanotechnology, 2021, 32, 475603 (PDF)

21.        Shanshan Yan#, Liyang Wan#,Yejian Xue*,Yan Wang, Guangjie Shao, Zhaoping Liu*, A facile method of selective dissolution for preparation of Co3O4 /LaCoO 3 as a bifunctional catalyst for Al/Zn–air batteries, Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021, 5, 995  (PDF)

22.        陈立杭#,张绫芷#,沈彩*,刘兆平*, AFM峰值力轻敲模式下石墨烯与迈科烯结构稳定性的比较, 材料导报, 2021, 35, 22006

23.     Hualan Wang, Shuangxi Chen, Yan Li,* Yongfeng Liu,* Qiuju Jing, Xue Liu, Zhaoping Liu,* and Xiaogang Zhang*, Organosilicon-Based Functional Electrolytes for High-Performance Lithium Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 2021, 11, 2101057

24.       Qiuhui Zhang, Yanan Wang*, Feng Lin, Yingjie Tang, Peihong Cheng, Xufeng Zhou, Zhuan Zhu, Yayao Ma, Zhaoping Liu, Dong Liu, Laichen Liu, Chengzhen Qin, Zhongchen Chen, Zhiming Wang*, and Jiming Bao*, Laser-induced dynamic alignment and nonlinear-like optical transmission in liquid suspensions of 2D atomically thin nanomaterials, Optics Express, 2021, 29, 36389-36399  (PDF)



1.       Bao Qiu, Minghao Zhang, Seung-Yong Lee, Haodong Liu, Thomas A. Wynn,  Lijun Wu, Yimei Zhu, Wen Wen, Craig M. Brown, Dong Zhou, Zhaoping Liu,* and Ying Shirley Meng,*  Metastability and Reversibility of Anionic Redox-Based Cathode for High-Energy Rechargeable Batteries. Cell Reports Physical Science, 2020, 1, 100028 (PDF

2.       Qiuhui Zhang, Yi Qiu, Feng Lin, Chao Niu, Xufeng Zhou,  Zhaoping Liu, Md Kamrul Alam, Shenyu Dai, Wei Zhang, Jonathan Hu,  Zhiming Wang and Jiming Bao,* Photoacoustic identification of laser-induced microbubbles as light scattering centers for optical limiting in a liquid suspension of grapheme nanosheets. Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 7109 (PDF)

3.       Jun Zhang, Liang Chen,* Lei Niu, and Zhaoping Liu,* Iron Hexcyanoferrate Nanocubes as Low-Strain Cathode Materials for Aqueous Li/Na Mixed-Ion Batteries. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, 3, 1318−1323 (PDF)

4.       Hewei Xu, Ying He, Zibo Zhang, Junli Shi*, Pingying Liu, Ziqi Tian , Kan Luo , Xiaozhe Zhang, Suzhe Liang, Zhaoping Liu ,* Slurry-like hybrid electrolyte with high lithium-ion transference number for dendrite-free lithium metal anode. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2020, 48 , 375–382 (PDF)

5.       Zuxin Long, Rusheng Fu, Jingjing Ji, Zuyong Feng*, Zhaoping Liu, * Unveiling the Effect of Surface and Bulk Structure on Electrochemical Properties of Disproportionated SiOx Anodes. ChemNanoMat, 2020, DOI: 10.1002/cnma.202000150 (PDF)

6.        Xueyan Xu,  Jingdong Yang, Xufeng Zhou *,  Shunqiong Jiang,  Wen Chen,  Zhaoping Liu*, Highly Crumpled Graphene-Like Material as Compression-Resistant Electrode Material for High Energy-Power Density Supercapacitor, Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 397, 125525  (PDF)

7.      Jingdong Yang#, Xueyan Xu#, Xufeng Zhou,* Shunqiong Jiang, Wen Chen, Siqi Shi, Da Wang,* Zhaoping Liu*, Ultrasmall Co3O4 Nanoparticles Confined in P, N‑Doped Carbon Matrices for High-Performance Supercapacitors. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020, 124, 9225  (PDF)

8.      Shanshan Yan, Yejian Xue,* Guangjie Shao,* Zhaoping Liu,* Activity-structure relationship of electrocatalysts derived from lithium cobalt oxides for metal-air batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 478, 228773  (PDF)

9.      Haitao Zhang, Cai Shen*, Yunbo Huang, Zhaoping Liu*, Spontaneously formation of SEI layers on lithium metal from LiFSI/DME and LiTFSI/DME electrolytes. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 537, 147983  (PDF)

10.      Wen Chen, Shunqiong Jiang, Han Xiao, Xufeng Zhou*, Xueyan Xu, Jingdong Yang, Ahmad Hassan Siddique, Zhaoping Liu*, Graphene Modified Polyaniline-Hydrogel Based Stretchable Supercapacitor with High Capacitance and Excellent Stretching Stability. ChemSusChem, 2020, 13, 1–9  (PDF)

11.      张自博, 邓伟, 周旭峰*, 刘兆平*, 稳定锂电化学沉积和溶解行为的 LiC6异质微结构界面层, 物理化学学报2021, 37, 2008073  (PDF)

12.      黄云博, 张海涛, 陈立杭, 沈彩*, 功能化原子力显微镜技术及其在能源材料领域的应用, 电子显微学报2020, 39, 434-450  (PDF)



1.       Ning Dong, Hao Luo, Yonggao Xia, Haocheng Guo, Rusheng Fu and Zhaoping Liu,* Confining Al-Li alloy between pre-constructed conductive buffers for advanced aluminum anode. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 2352  (PDF)

2.       Wei Deng, Shanshan Liang, Xufeng Zhou,* Fei Zhao, Wenhua Zhu and Zhaoping Liu,* Depressing the irreversible reactions on a three dimensional interface towards a high-areal capacity lithium metal anode. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 6267–6274 (PDF)

3.       Wei Deng, Wenhua Zhu, Xufeng Zhou,* Fei Zhao, Zhaoping Liu,* Regulating capillary pressure to achieve ultralow areal mass loading metallic lithium anodes. Energy Storage Materials 2019, 23, 693-700 (PDF)

4.       Guohua Zhang, Bao Qiu,* Yonggao Xia, Xiaolan Wang, Qingwen Gu, Yabei Jiang, Zhilong He, Zhaoping Liu*, Double-helix-superstructure aqueous binder to boost excellent electrochemical performance in Li-rich layered oxide cathode. Journal of Power Sources 2019, 420, 29. (PDF)

5.       Ying He, Hewei Xu, Junli Shi, Pingying Liu, Ziqi Tian, Dong Ning, Kan Luo, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu*, Polydopamine coating layer modified current collector for dendrite-free Li metal anode. Energy Storage Materials 2019, 23, 418-426 (PDF)

6.       Wei Jiang, Chong Yin, Yonggao Xia, Bao Qiu,* Haocheng Guo, Hongfu Cui, Fang Hu, and Zhaoping Liu,* Understanding the Discrepancy of Defect Kinetics on Anionic Redox in Lithium-Rich Cathode Oxides. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11, 14023 (PDF)

7.       Ping Jiang, Wei Deng, Xufeng Zhou,* Jiwen Feng, Zhaoping Liu,* Vapor-Assisted Synthesis of Hierarchical Porous Graphitic Carbon Materials towards Energy Storage Devices. Journal of Power Sources 2019, 425, 10-16 (PDF)

8.       Fei Zhao, Xufeng Zhou*, Wei Deng, Zhaoping Liu,* Deposition in Lithiophilic Reservoir Constructed by Vertically Aligned ZnO Nanosheets for Dendrite-free Li Metal Anodes. Nano Energy 2019, 62, 55-63 (PDF)

9.       Rusheng Fu, Yunsong Li, Yongkang Wu, Chengxu Shen, Chongzhao Fan, Zhaoping Liu,* Controlling siloxene oxidization to tailor SiOx anodes for high performance lithium ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2019, 432, 65-72 (PDF)

10.   Rusheng Fu, Yongkang Wu, Chongzhao Fan, Zuxin Long, Guangjie Shao,* Zhaoping Liu,* Reactivating Li2O with Nano-Sn to Achieve Ultrahigh Initial Coulombic Efficiency SiO Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries. ChemSusChem 2019, 12, 3377-3382 (PDF)

11.   Rehman Butt, Ahmad Hassan Siddique, Syeda Wisha, Bokhari, Shunqiong Jiang, Da Lei, Xufeng Zhou,* Zhaoping Liu,* Niobium carbide/reduced graphene oxide hybrid porous aerogel as high capacity and long‐life anode material for Li‐ion batteries. International Journal of Energy Research 2019, 43, 4995 (PDF)

12.   Zhongqing Luo, Qile Fang, Xueyan Xu, D.Vasanth Raj, Xufeng Zhou,* Zhaoping Liu*, Attapulgite Nanofibers and Graphene Oxide Composite Membrane for High-Performance Molecular Separation. Journal of colloid and interface science 2019, 545, 276 (PDF)

13.   Ping Jiang, Liang Chen,* Hezhu Shao, Shaohua Huang, Qiushi Wang, Yuebin Su, Xiaoshuang Yan, Xinmiao Liang, Jiujun Zhang, Jiwen Feng,* and Zhaoping Liu,* Methylsulfonylmethane-Based Deep Eutectic Solvent as a New Type of Green Electrolyte for a High-Energy-Density Aqueous Lithium-Ion Battery. ACS Energy Letters 2019, 4, 1419 (PDF)

14.   Yongkang Wu, Rusheng Fu,* Chongzhao Fan, Zuxin Long, Guangjie Shao,* Zhaoping Liu,* Graphene Nanoscrolls with Confined Silicon Nanoparticles as a Durable Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries. ChemNanoMat 2019, 5, 748-753 (PDF)

15.   WenHua Zhu, XuFeng Zhou, ZhaoPing Liu,* SiQi Shi, Da Wang,* A hybrid FeF2/PVDF protective layer for stable metallic lithium anode. Scientia Sinica Technologica 2019DOI: 10.1360/N092018-00363 (PDF)

16.  Hongfu Cui, Chong Yin, Yonggao Xia, Chenggang Wei, Wei Jiang, Jie Sun, Bao Qiu,* Mingyuan Zhu, Zhaoping Liu,*Synergy effectson blending Li-richandclassical layered cathode oxideswith improved electrochemical performance. Ceramics International 2019, 45, 15097-15107 (PDF)

17. Jun Zhang, Liang Chen,* Lei Niu, Ping Jiang, Guangjie Shao,* and Zhaoping Liu*, Na Superionic Conductor-Type TiNb(PO4)3 Anode with High Energy Density and Long Cycle Life Enables Aqueous Alkaline-Ion Batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11, 11, 39757-39764 (PDF)

18.  Shanshan Yan, Yejian Xue,* Shihua Li, Guangjie Shao,* and Zhaoping Liu,* Enhanced Bifunctional Catalytic Activity of Manganese Oxide/ Perovskite Hierarchical Core-Shell Materials by Adjusting the Interface for Metal-Air Batteries ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11, 25870-25881 (PDF)

19.  Shanshan Yan , Yejian Xue ,*Shihua Li , Guangjie Shao ,*Zhaoping Liu ,* Improving catalytic activity of layered lithium transition metal oxides for oxygen electrode in metal-air batteries,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy2019 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.11.081 (PDF)

20.  Ahmad Hassan Siddique, Rehman Butt, Syeda Wishal Bokhari, D. Vasanth Raj, Xufeng Zhou*, Zhaoping Liu*, All graphene electrode for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitor, International Journal of Energy Research2019, 1–12. (PDF)

21.  Ahmad Hassan Siddique, Syeda Wishal Bokhari, Rehman Butt, Shunqiong  Jiang, Wen Chen, Xufeng Zhou*, Zhaoping Liu*,Flexible asymmetric microsupercapacitor with high energy density based on all-graphene electrode system, Journal of Materials Science 2019, 55, 309-318. (PDF)

22.  Qin Wang , Yejian Xue , Shanshan Sun , Shanshan Yan , He Miao *, Zhaoping Liu *, Facile synthesis of ternary spinel Co–Mn–Ni nanorods as efficient bi-functional oxygen catalysts for rechargeable zinc-air batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 435, 226761. (PDF)

23.  Wenhui Dai, Ning Dong, Yonggao Xia , Shiqing Chen, Hao Luo, Yuewen Liu, Zhaoping Liu*,Localized concentrated high-concentration electrolyte enhanced stability and safety for high voltage Li-ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 320, 134633. (PDF)


1.       Rusheng Fu, Zhenzhen Chang, Chengxu Shen, Haocheng Guo, Heran Huang, Yonggao Xia,* Zhaoping Liu,* Surface oxo-functionalized hard carbon spheres enabled superior high-rate capability and long-cycle stability for Li-ion storage. Electrochimica Acta 2018, 260, 430 (PDF)

2.       Leyuan Zhang, Yu Ding, Changkun Zhang, Yangen Zhou, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu, Guihua Yu,* Enabling Graphene-Oxide-Based Membranes for Large-Scale Energy Storage by Controlling Hydrophilic Microstructures. Chem 2018, 4, 1035 (PDF)

3.       Wei Deng, Xufeng Zhou,* Qile Fang, and Zhaoping Liu,* Micro-Scale Lithium Metal Stored Inside Cellular Graphene Scaffold towards Advanced Metallic Lithium Anodes. Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8, 1703152  (PDF)

4.       Yejian Xue,* Shanshan Sun, Qin Wang, Zhenghao Dong, and Zhaoping Liu,* Transition metal oxide based oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalysts for energy conversion systems with aqueous electrolyte. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6, 10595 (PDF

5.       Wei Deng, Wenhua Zhu, Xufeng Zhou,* Zhaoping Liua,* Graphene nested porous carbon current collector for lithium metal anode with ultrahigh areal capacity. Energy Storage Materials 2018, 15, 266 (PDF

6.       Xiaozhe Zhang, Devaraj Vasanth Raj, Xufeng Zhou,* Zhaoping Liu,* Solvent evaporation induced graphene powder with high volumetric capacitance and outstanding rate capability for supercapacitors. Journal of Power Sources 2018, 382, 95 (PDF

7.       Wei Zhang,* Hui-Chia Yu,* Lijun Wu, Hao Liu, Aziz Abdellahi, Bao Qiu, Jianming Bai, Bernardo Orvananos, Fiona C. Strobridge, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu, Gerbrand Ceder, Yimei Zhu, Katsuyo Thornton, Clare P. Grey, Feng Wang, Localized concentration reversal of lithium during intercalation into nanoparticles. Science Advances 2018, 4(1)(PDF)

8.       Hailiang Cao, Xufeng Zhou,* Wei Deng, Zhiying Ma, Yuewen Liu, Zhaoping Liu,* Layer structured graphene/porous ZnCo2O4 composite film for high performance flexible lithium-ion batteries. Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 343, 654 (PDF)

9.       Wei Deng, Wenhua Zhu, Xufeng Zhou,* Xiaoqiang Peng, and Zhaoping Liu,* Highly Reversible Li Plating Confined in Three-Dimensional Interconnected Microchannels toward High-Rate and Stable Metallic Lithium Anodes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10, 20387  (PDF)

10.   A. Singer, M. Zhang, S. Hy, D. Cela, C. Fang, T. A. Wynn, B. Qiu, Y. Xia, Z. Liu, A. Ulvestad, N. Hua, J. Wingert, H. Liu, M. Sprung, A. V. Zozulya, E. Maxey, R. Harder, Y. S. Meng,* and O. G. Shpyrko,* Nucleation of dislocations and their dynamicsin layered oxide cathode materials duringbattery charging. Nature Energy 2018, 3, 641-647  (PDF)

11.   Haocheng Guo, Zhen Wei, Kai Jia, Bao Qiu, Chong Yin, Fanqi Meng, Qinghua Zhang, Lin Gu, Shaojie Han, Yan Liu, Hu Zhao, Wei Jiang, Hongfu Cui, Yonggao Xia,* Zhaoping Liu,* Abundant nanoscale defects to eliminate voltage decay in Li-rich cathode materials. Energy Storage Materials 2018, 16, 220-227 (PDF)

12.   Feng Lin, Guang Yang, Chao Niu, Yanan Wang, Zhuan Zhu, Haokun Luo, Chong Dai, David Mayerich, Yandi Hu, Jonathan Hu, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu, Zhiming M. Wang,* and Jiming, Planar Alignment of Graphene Sheets by a Rotating Magnetic Field for Full Exploitation of Graphene as a 2D Material. Advanced Functional Materials 2018, 28, 1805255-1805262 (PDF)

13.   Haocheng Guo, Kai Jia, Shaojie Han, Hu Zhao, Bao Qiu, Yonggao Xia,* and Zhaoping Liu,* Ultrafast Heterogeneous Nucleation Enables a Hierarchical Surface Configuration of Lithium-Rich Layered Oxide Cathode Material for Enhanced Electrochemical Performances. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2018, 5, 1701465 (PDF)

14.   Lei Niu, Liang Chen,*  Jun Zhang, Ping Jiang, Zhaoping Liu,* Revisiting the open-framework zinc hexacyanoferrate: The role of ternaryelectrolyte and sodium-ion intercalation mechanism. Journal of Power Sources 2018, 380, 135-141 (PDF)

15.   Hewei Xu, Junli Shi,* Guosheng Hu, Ying He, Yonggao Xia,* Shanshan Yin, Zhaoping Liu,* Hybrid electrolytes incorporated with dandelion-like silane–Al2O3 nanoparticles for high-safety high-voltage lithium ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2018, 391, 113-119 (PDF)

16.   Ning Dong, GuanghuaYang, HaoLuo, HeweiXu, YonggaoXia*, ZhaopingLiu,* A LiPO2F2/LiFSI dual-salt electrolyte enabled stable cycling of lithium metal batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2018, 400, 449-456 (PDF)

17.   Zhiying Ma, Xufeng Zhou,* Wei Deng, Da Lei, and Zhaoping Liu,* 3D Porous MXene (Ti3C2)/Reduced Graphene Oxide Hybrid Films forAdvanced Lithium Storage. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10, 3634-3643 (PDF)

18.   Yejian Xue, Shanshan Yan, Heran Huang, and Zhaoping Liu,* A Nano-Architectured Metal-Oxide/Perovskite Hybrid Material as Electrocatalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Aluminum–Air Batteries. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2018, 1, 12, 6824-6833 (PDF)

19.   Qin Wang, He Miao, Shanshan Sun, Yejian Xue,* and Zhaoping Liu,* One-Pot Synthesis of Co3O4/Ag Nanoparticles Supported onN-Doped Graphene as Efficient Bifunctional Oxygen Catalysts forFlexible Rechargeable Zinc–Air Batteries. Chemistry-a European Journal 2018, 24, 14816-14823 (PDF)

20.   Shanshan Sun, Yejian Xue,* Qin Wang, Heran Huang, He Miao,* Zhaoping Liu,* Cerium ion intercalated MnO2 nanospheres with high catalytic activity toward oxygen reduction reaction for aluminum-air batteries. Electrochimica Acta 2018, 263, 544-554 (PDF)

21.   Wenhua Zhu, Wei Deng, Fei Zhao, ShanshanLiang, Xufeng Zhou,* Zhaoping Liu,* Graphene network nested Cu foam for reducing size of lithium metal towards stable metallic lithium anode. Energy Storage Materials 2019, 21, 107–114 (PDF)

22.   赛喜雅勒图, 王雪莹, 顾庆文, 夏永高, 刘兆平, 何杰, 非化学计量比调控高电压尖晶石正极材料电化学性能研究. 无机材料学报 2018, 33(9)  

23.   Chengxu Shen, Rusheng Fu, Haocheng Guo, Yongkang Wu, Chongzhao Fan, Yonggao Xia,* Zhaoping Liu,* Scalable synthesis of Si nanowires interconnected SiOx anode for high performance lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018783, 128 (PDF)

24.   吴永康, 傅儒生, 刘兆平*, 夏永高, 邵光杰, 锂离子电池硅氧化物负极材料的研究进展. 硅酸盐学报2018, 46 (11) 

25.   Qiang Du, Qi Han, Yiming Zhang, Zhaoping Liu,* Shuang Tian,* and Zhimin Zhang, Adopting combined strategies to make state of charge (SOC) estimation for practical use. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 2018, 10, 34102 (PDF)

      26.   陈士庆, 代文慧, 许和伟, 刘兆平.高电压锂离子电池用环丁砜基高浓度电解液.化学通报 2018, 81(11):1000-1005. 

27.   Chengxu Shen, Rusheng Fu, Yonggao Xia,* and Zhaoping Liu,* New perspective to understand the effect of electrochemical pre-lithiation behaviors on silicon monoxide. RSC Advances 2018, 8, 14473(PDF)


1.         Qile Fang, Xufeng Zhou,* Wei Deng, Zhaoping Liu,* Hydroxyl-containing organic molecule induced self-assembly of porous graphene monoliths with high structural stability and recycle performance for heavy metal removal. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, 308, 1001.(PDF)

2.         Rongrong Jiang, Xufeng Zhou,* Zhaoping Liu,* Electroless Ni-plated graphene for tensile strength enhancement of copper. Materials Science & Engineering A 2017, 679, 323. (PDF)

3.         Guozhou Liang, Yiming Zhang,* Qi Han, Zhaoping Liu, Zhen Jiang, Shuang Tian,* A novel 3D-layered electrochemical-thermal coupled model strategy for the nail-penetration process simulation. Journal of Power Sources 2017, 342, 836.  (PDF

4.         Bao Qiu, Chong Yin, Yonggao Xia,* and Zhaoping Liu,* Synthesis of Three-Dimensional Nanoporous Li-Rich Layered Cathode Oxides for High Volumetric and Power Energy Density Lithium-Ion Batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9, 3661. (PDF)

5.         Bao Qiu, Minghao Zhang, Yonggao Xia, Zhaoping Liu, and Ying Shirley Meng,* Understanding and Controlling Anionic Electrochemical Activity in High-Capacity Oxides for Next Generation Li-Ion Batteries. Chemistry of Materials 2017, 29, 908. (PDF

6.         Huajie Zhuang, Wei Deng, Wei Wang,* and Zhaoping Liu,* Facile fabrication of nanoporous graphene powder for high-rate lithium–sulfur batteries. RSC Advances 2017, 7, 5177.(PDF

7.         Yejian Xue, He Miao,* Shanshan Sun, Qin Wang, Shihua Li and Zhaoping Liu,* La1-xAgxMnOelectrocatalyst with high catalytic activity for oxygen reduction reaction in aluminium air batteries. RSC Advances 2017, 7, 5214.(PDF

8.         Yejian Xue, He Miao,* Baihai Li, Shanshan Sun, Qin Wang, Shihua Li, Liang Chen and Zhaoping Liu,* Promoting effects of Ce0.75Zr0.25O2 on the La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction in metal–air batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5, 6411. (PDF

9.         Jingbo Ma, Xufeng Zhou,* Shiyun Ding and Zhaoping Liu,* Solvent evaporation induced self-assembly of graphene foam for thermally conductive polymers. RSC Advances 2017, 7, 15469. (PDF

10.     Zhiying Ma, Hailiang Cao, Xufeng Zhou,* Wei Deng and Zhaoping Liu,* Hierarchical porous MnO/graphene composite aerogel as high-performance anode material for lithium ion batteries. RSC Advances 2017, 7, 15857. (PDF

11.     Yejian Xue, Shanshan Sun, Qin Wang, He Miao,* Shihua Li, Zhaoping Liu,* La0.7 (Sr0.3-xPdx) MnO3 as a highly efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in aluminum air battery. Electrochimica Acta 2017, 230, 418.(PDF

12.     Qile Fang, Xufeng Zhou,* Wei Deng, Yuewen Liu, Zhi Zheng, and Zhaoping Liu,* Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Nanoscroll Foam with High Diffusion Rate and Binding Affinity for Removal of Organic Pollutants.  Small 2017, 13, 1603779(PDF

13.     Leyuan Zhang, Liang Chen, Hao Luo, Xufeng Zhou,* and Zhaoping Liu,* Large-Sized Few-Layer   Graphene Enables an Ultrafast and Long-Life Aluminum-Ion Battery. Advanced Energy Materials 2017, 1700034. (PDF

14.     Qin Wang, He Miao,* Yejian Xue, Shanshan Sun, Shihua Li and Zhaoping Liu,* Performances of an Al–0.15Bi–0.15Pb–0.035 Ga alloy as an anode for Al–air batteries in neutral and alkaline electrolytes. RSC Advances 2017, 7, 25838(PDF

15.     Wei Xu, Wei Wang,* Zhiyong Guo, and Zhaoping Liu,* Fabrication of submillimeter-sized single crystalline graphene arrays by a commercial printing-assisted CVD method. RSC Advances 2017, 7, 17800.(PDF

16.     Keli Zhang, Yonggao Xia,* Zhengdong Yang, Rusheng Fu, Chengxu Shen and Zhaoping Liu,* Structure-preserved 3D porous silicon/reduced graphene oxide materials as anodes for Li-ion batteries. RSC Advances 2017, 7, 24305.(PDF

17.     Yejian Xue, Heran Huang, He Miao, Shanshan Sun, Qin Wang, Shihua Li, Zhaoping Liu,* One-pot synthesis of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 supported on flower-like CeO2 as electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in aluminum-air batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2017, 358, 50.(PDF

18.     Shanshan Sun, He Miao,* Yejian Xue, Qin Wang, Qinhao Zhang, Zhenghao Dong, Shihua Li, Heran Huang, and Zhaoping Liu,* High electrocatalytic activity of silver-doped manganese dioxide toward oxygen reduction reaction in aluminum-air battery. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 2017, 164, 768(PDF

19.     Guanghua Yang, Junli Shi, Cai Shen, Shuwei Wang, Lan Xia, Huasheng Hu, Hao Luo, Yonggao Xia,* and Zhaoping Liu,* Improving the cyclability performance of lithium ion batteries by introducing lithium difluorophosphate (LiPO2F2) additive. RSC Advances 2017, 7, 26052.(PDF

20.     Wei Deng, Xufeng Zhou,* Qile Fang and Zhaoping Liu,* A bifunctional hierarchical porous carbon network integrated with an in situ formed ultrathin graphene shell for stable lithium–sulfur batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5, 13674.(PDF

21.     Shanshan Sun, Yejian Xue, Qin Wang, Shihua Li, Heran Huang, He Miao,* and Zhaoping Liu,* Electrocatalytic activity of silver decorated ceria microsphere for oxygen reduction reaction and its application in aluminium-air battery. Chemical Communications 2017, 53, 7921(PDF

22.     Rusheng Fu, Keli Zhang, Remo Proietti Zaccariab, Heran Huang, Yonggao Xia,* Zhaoping Liu*, Two-dimensional silicon suboxides nanostructures with Si nanodomains confined in amorphous SiO2 derived from siloxene as high performance anode for Li-ion batteries. Nano Energy 2017, 39, 546.(PDF

23.     Ping Jiang, Hezhu Shao, Liang Chen,* Jiwen Feng, Zhaoping Liu,* Ion-selective Copper Hexacyanoferrate with Open framework Structure Enables High-voltage Aqueous Mixedion Batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A  2017, 5, 16740–16747.(PDF

24.     Yejian Xue, Heran Huang, He Miao, Shanshan Sun, Qin Wang, Shihua Li, and Zhaoping Liu,* Electrostatic self-assembly synthesis of LSM@CZ composite material as electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in aluminum-air batteries. Energy Technology 2017, 5, 2226-2233.(PDF

25.     Wei Deng, Qile Fang, Heran Huang, Xufeng Zhou,* Jingbo Ma, and Zhaoping Liu,* Oriented Arrangement: The Origin of Versatility for Porous Graphene Materials. Small 2017, 13, 1701231.(PDF

26.     Yuewen Liu, Ahmad Hassan Siddique, Heran Huang, Qile Fang, Wei Deng, Xufeng Zhou,* Huanming Lu and Zhaoping Liu*, In situ preparation of Fe3O4 in a carbon hybrid of graphene nanoscrolls and carbon nanotubes as high performance anode material for lithiumion batteries. Nanotechnology 2017, 28, 5401. (PDF

27.     Haocheng Guo, Yonggao Xia,*, Hu Zhao, Chong Yin, Kai Jia, Fei Zhao, Zhaoping Liu,* Stabilization effects of Al doping for enhanced cycling performances of Li-rich layered oxides, Ceramics International, 2017, 43, 13845(PDF

28.     Qin Wang, Yejian Xue, Shanshan Sun, Shihua Li, He Miao, Zhaoping Liua,* La0.8Sr0.2Co1-xMnxO3 perovskites as efficient bi-functional cathode catalysts for rechargeable zinc-air batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 254, 14. (PDF

29.     Hu Zhao, Bao Qiu, Haocheng Guo, Kai Jia, Zhaoping Liu,* Yonggao Xia,* Characterization of Li-rich layered oxides by using transmission electronmicroscope, Green Energy & Environment, 2017, 2, 174 (PDF

30.     Xiuxia Zuo, Yonggao Xia, Qing Ji,  Xiang Gao, Shanshan Yin, Meimei Wang, Xiaoyan Wang, Bao Qiu, Anxiang Wei, Zaicheng Sun, Zhaoping Liu, Jin Zhu, and Ya-Jun Cheng,* Self-Templating Construction of 3D Hierarchical Macro-/Mesoporous Silicon from 0D Silica Nanoparticles. ACS Nano 2017, 11, 889.(PDF)

31.     Yanan Wang, Yingjie Tang, Peihong Cheng, Xufeng Zhou, Zhuan Zhu, Zhaoping Liu, Dong Liu, Zhiming Wang,* and Jiming Bao,* Distinguishing thermal lens effect from electronic third-order nonlinear self-phase modulation in liquid suspensions of 2D nanomaterials. Nanoscale 2017, 9, 3547.(PDF)


33.     Xiao, P; Du, SY; Zhang, T; Qiu, NX; Zhang, JW; Huang, YJ; Wan, CJ; Jordan, R*; Huang, Q; Liu, ZP; Chen, T,* 3D Graphene Oxide Micropatterns Achieved by Roller-Assisted Microcontact Printing Induced Interface  Integral Peel and Transfer. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2017, 4, 1600867(PDF

34.     Mingjiong Zhou, Chenyang Qin, Zhen Liu, Li Feng, Xiaoru Su, Yifeng Chen, Lan Xia,* Yonggao Xia,* Zhaoping Liu, Enhanced high voltage cyclability of LiCoO2 cathode by adopting poly[bis-(ethoxyethoxyethoxy)phosphazene] with flame-retardant property as an electrolyte additive for lithium-ion batteries. Applied Surface Science 2017, 403, 260(PDF



1.         Liangtao Yang, Concentration-gradient LiMn0.8Fe0.2PO4 cathode material for high performance lithium ion battery. Journal of Power Sources 2016, 304, 293. (PDF)

2.         Qile Fang, Xufeng Zhou,* Wei Deng, and Zhaoping Liu,* Ordered self-assembly of amphipathic graphene nanosheets into three-dimensional layered architectures. Nanoscale 2016, 8, 197.  (PDF)

3.         Leyuan Zhang, Liang Chen, Xufeng Zhou,* Zhaoping Liu,* Morphology-Dependent Electrochemical Performance of Zinc Hexacyano ferrate Cathode for Zinc-Ion Battery. Scientific Reports 2015, 5, 18263. (PDF)

4.         Liangtao Yang, Constructing durable carbon layer on LiMn0.8Fe0.2POwith superior long-term cycling performance for lithium-ion battery. Electrochimica Acta 2016, 191, 200. (PDF)

5.         Zhengdong Yang, Yonggao Xia,* Jingjing Ji, Bao Qiu, Keli Zhang and Zhaoping Liu,* Superior cycling performance of a sandwich structure Si/C anode for lithium ion batteries. RSC Advances 2016, 6 (15), 12107.(PDF)

6.         Rongrong Jiang, Xufeng Zhou,* Zhaoping Liu,* Electroless Ni-plated graphene for tensile strength enhancement of copper. Materials Science & Engineering A 2017, 679, 323. (PDF)

7.         Mingjiong Zhou, Na Peng, Zhen Liu, Yun Xi, Huiqiu He, Yonggao Xia,* Zhaoping Liu,* Shigeto Okada, Synthesis of sub-10nm copper sulphiderods as high-performance anode for long-cycle life Li-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2016, 306, 408. (PDF)

8.         Hailiang Cao, A compressible and hierarchical porous graphene/Co composite aerogel for lithium-ion batteries with high gravimetric/volumetric capacity. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 6021. (PDF)

9.       夏永高, 刘兆平,* 锂离子电池高容量富锂锰基正极材料研究进展.储能科学技术2016.5(3), 384.(PDF

10.     王国华, 夏永高, 刘兆平*, 锂离子电池富锂锰基正极材料专利技术分析.储能科学技术2016.5(3), 388.(PDF

11.     Wei Deng, Qile Fang, Xufeng Zhou,* Hailiang Cao and Zhaoping Liu,* Hydrothermal self-assembly of graphene foams with controllable pore size. RSC Advances 2016, 6 (25), 20843. (PDF)

12.     Hailiang Cao, Flexible free-standing porous graphene/Ni film electrode with enhanced rate capability for lithium-ion batteries. Materials Science and Engineering B 2016, 213, 51. (PDF

13.     Xiaoyue Xiao,* Yichun Li,* and Zhaoping Liu,* Graphene commercialization. Nature Materials 2016, 15, 697. (PDF)

14.     Liang Chen, Hezhu Shao, Xufeng Zhou, Guoqiang Liu, Jun Jiang & Zhaoping Liu*, Water-mediated Cation Intercalation of Open-framework Indium Hexacyanoferrate with High Voltage and Fast Kinetics, Nature Communications 2016, 7, 11982. (PDF)

15.     Bao Qiu, Minghao Zhang, Lijun Wu, Jun Wang, Yonggao Xia*, Danna Qian,  Haodong Liu, Sunny Hy, Yan Chen, Ke An, Yimei Zhu, Zhaoping Liu*, Gas–solid interfacial modification of oxygen activity in layered oxide cathodes for lithium-ion batteries, Nature Communications 2016, 7, 12108. (PDF)

16.     G. Y. Yang, L. Chen, P. Jiang, Z. Y. Guo, W. Wang,* and Z. P. Liu,* Fabrication of tunable 3D graphene mesh network with enhanced electrical and thermal properties for high-rate aluminum-ion battery application, RSC Advances 2016, 6 (53), 47655. (PDF)

17.     Lingchao Pan, Yonggao Xia*, Bao Qiu, Hu Zhao, Haocheng Guo, Kai Jia, Qingwen Gu, Zhaoping Liu,* Synthesis and electrochemical performance of micro-sized Li-rich layered cathode material for Lithium-ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta 2016, 211, 507. (PDF)

18.     Lingchao Pan, Yonggao Xia,* Bao Qiu, Hu Zhao, Haocheng Guo, Kai Jia, Qingwen Gu, Zhaoping Liu,* Structure and electrochemistry of B doped Li (Li0.2Ni0.13Co0.13Mn0.54)1-xBxO2 as cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 327, 273. (PDF)

19.     Shanshan Sun, He Miao,* Yejian Xue, Qin Wang, Shihua Li, Zhaoping Liu,* Oxygen reduction reaction catalysts of manganese oxide decorated by silver nanoparticles for aluminum-air batteries. Electrochimica Acta 2016, 214, 49. (PDF)

20.     Xu Fan, Xiangping Jiang,* Wei Wang,* Zhaoping Liu,* Green synthesis of nanoporous Si/C anode using NaCl template with improved cycle life. Materials Letters 2016, 180, 109. (PDF)

21.     Qile Fang, Xufeng Zhou,* Wei Deng, Zhi Zheng, Zhaoping Liu,* Freestanding bacterial cellulose graphene oxide composite membranes with high mechanical strength for selective ionpermeation. Scientific Reports 2016, 6, 33185. (PDF)

22.     Wei Deng, Xufeng Zhou,* Qile Fang, and Zhaoping Liu,* Graphene/Sulfur Composites with a Foam-Like Porous Architecture and Controllable Pore Size for High Performance Lithium–Sulfur Batteries. ChemNanoMat 2016, 2 (10), 952-958. (PDF)

23.     Shihua Li, He Miao,* Qing Xu, Yejian Xue, Shanshan Sun, Qin Wang and Zhaoping Liu,* Silver nanoparticles supported on a nitrogen-doped graphene aerogel composite catalyst for an oxygen reduction reaction in aluminum air batteries.  RSC Advances 2016, 6, 99179. (PDF)

24.     Xu Fan, Jingjing Ji, Xiangping Jiang, Wei Wang* and Zhaoping Liu,* Facile fabrication of stable and high-rate Si/NiSix/CNTs Li-ion anodes with a buffering interface. RSC Advances 2016, 6, 78559. (PDF)

25.     Yejian Xue, He Miao,* Shanshan Sun, Qin Wang, Shihua Li, Zhaoping Liu,* (La1−xSrx)0.98MnO3 perovskite with A-site deficiencies toward oxygen reduction reaction in aluminum-air batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2016, 342, 192. (PDF)

26.     Laifen Qin, Yonggao Xia,* Hailiang Cao, Liangtao Yang, Zhaoping Liu,* Synthesis and electrochemical performance of LiMnxFey (V)1-x-yPOcathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta 2016, 222, 1660. (PDF)

27.     梁国周, 张一鸣, 田爽,* 刘兆平, 蒋蓁, 锂离子电池针刺安全性研究概览, 电源技术, 2016, 40(12), 2472.(PDF)

28.     Fanyan Chen, Jiamin Ying, Yifei Wang, Shiyu Du, Zhaoping Liu, Qing Huang,* Effects of grapheme content on the micro structure and properties of copper matrix composites. Carbon 2016, 96, 836. (PDF)

29.     ChangJin Wan, LiQiang Zhu, YangHui Liu, Ping Feng, ZhaoPing Liu, HaiLiang Cao, Peng Xiao, YiShi,* QingWan,*Proton-Conducting Graphene Oxide-Coupled Neuron Transistors for Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems. Advanced Materials 2016, 28 (18), 3557. (PDF)

30.     Ting Cheng, Guoqiang Zhang, Yonggao Xia, Zaicheng Sun, Zhaohui Yang, Rui Liu, Ying Xiao, Xiaoyan Wang, Meimei Wang, Jianzhen Ban, Liangtao Yang, Qing Ji, Bao Qiu, Guoxin Chen, Huifeng Chen, Yichao Lin, Xiaoying Pei, Qiang Wu, Jian-Qiang Meng, Zhaoping Liu, Liang Chen, Tonghu Xiao, Ling-Dong Sun, Chun-Hua Yan, Hans Jürgen Butt, Ya-Jun Cheng,* Porous titania/carbon hybrid microspheres template insitu formed polystyrene colloids. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2016, 469, 242. (PDF)

31.     Haidong Liu, Jun Wang, Xiaofei Zhang, Dong Zhou, Xin Qi, Bao Qiu, Jianhui Fang, Richard Kloepsch, Gerhard Schumacher, Zhaoping Liu, Jie Li,*Morphological Evolution of High-Voltage Spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5OCathode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries:The Critical Effects of Surface Orientations and Particle Size. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8 (7), 4661. (PDF)

32.     Ting Cheng, Guoqiang Zhang, Yonggao Xia, Qing Ji, Ying Xiao, Xiaoyan Wang, Meimei Wang, RuiLiu, Bao Qiu, Guoxin Chen, Huifeng Chen, Zaicheng Sun, Jian-Qiang Meng, Zhaoping Liu, Tonghu Xiao, Ling-Dong Sun, Chun-Hua Yan, Ya-Jun Cheng,*Template-free synthesis of titania architectures with controlled morphology evolution. Journal of Materials Science 2016, 51 (8), 3941. (PDF)

33.     J. Ban, P. Yang, Y. Xia, M. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Xiao, B. Qiu, L. Yang, Z. Liu, C. Zhu, C. Chen, Y.-J. Cheng,* Facile Synthesis of MnO/Carbon/Carbon Nanotube Nanohybrids Using Dental Resins As Solventand Carbon Source. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2016, 11 (1), 223. (PDF)

34.     Feng Lin, Zhuan Zhu, Xufeng Zhou, Wenlan Qiu, Chao Niu, Jonathan Hu, Keshab Dahal, Yanan Wang, Zhenhuan Zhao, Zhifeng Ren, Dimitri Litvinov, Zhaoping Liu, Zhiming Wang,* and Jiming Bao,*Orientation Control of Graphene Flakes by Magnetic Field: Broad Device Applications of Macroscopically Aligned Graphene. Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1604453 (PDF)

35.     ChangJin Wan, YangHui Liu, Ping Feng, Wei Wang,* LiQiang Zhu, ZhaoPingLiu, YiShi,* and QingWan*, Flexible Metal Oxide/Graphene Oxide Hybrid Neuromorphic Transistorson Flexible Conducting Graphene Substrates. Advanced Materials 2016, 28 (28), 5878. (PDF)

36.     Meimei Wang, Yonggao Xia, Xiaoyan Wang, Ying Xiao, Rui Liu, Qiang Wu, Bao Qiu, Ezzeldin Metwalli, Senlin Xia, Yuan Yao, Guoxin Chen, Yan Liu, Zhaoping Liu, Jian-Qiang Meng, Zhaohui Yang, Ling-Dong Sun, Chun-Hua Yan, Peter Muller-Buschbaum, Jing Pan, and Ya-Jun Cheng,* Silicon Oxycarbide/Carbon Nano hybrids with Tiny Silicon Oxycarbide Particles Embedded in Free Carbon Matrix Basedon Photoactive Dental Methacrylates. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8 (22), 13982. (PDF)

37.     M.WANG, Y.XIA, X.WANG, Y.XIAO, Q.ZHANG, R.LIU, B.QIU, Q.WU, G.CHEN, Y.LIU, Z.YANG, Z.LIU, J.Q.MENG, L.D.SUN, C.H.YAN, J.PAN, Y.J.CHENG,*Facile Scalable Synthesis of Sioc/carbon Nanohybrids as Lithium-ion Battery Anode Inspired by Dental Restorative Materials. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures2016, 11 (2), 567. (PDF)

38.     Rui Liu, LiQiang Zhu,* Wei Wang, Xiao Hui, ZhaoPing Liu and Qing Wan,* Silicon Oxycarbide/Carbon Nanohybrids with Tiny Silicon Oxycarbide Particles Embedded in Free Carbon Matrix Based on Photoactive Dental Methacrylates. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2016, 4 (33), 7744. (PDF)



1.         Yiming Zhang, Xisheng Tang,* Zhiping Qi, Zhaoping Liu, The Ragone plots guided sizing of hybrid storage system for taming the wind power, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 2015, 65, 246. (PDF)

2.         Lan Xia, Yonggao Xia,* Zhaoping Liu,* Thiophene derivatives as novel functional additives for high-voltage LiCoO2 operations in lithium ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 151, 429. (PDF)

3.         Lan Xia, Yonggao Xia,* Zhaoping Liu,* A novel fluorocyclophosphazene as bifunctional additive for safer lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2015, 278, 190. (PDF)

4.         Chao Zheng, Xufeng Zhou,* Hailiang Cao, Guohua Wang, Zhaoping Liu,* Nitrogen-doped porous graphene/activated carbon composite derived from “bucky gels” for supercapacitors. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 10739. (PDF)

5.         Junli Shi, Yonggao Xia,* Zhizhang Yuan, Huasheng Hu, Xianfeng Li,* Huamin Zhang,* Zhaoping Liu,*Porous membrane with high curvature, three-dimensional heat-resistance skeleton:a new and practical separator candidate for high safety lithium ion battery. Scientific Reports 2015, 5, 8255. (PDF)

6.         Junli Shi, Yonggao Xia,* Zhizhang Yuan, Huasheng Hu, Xianfeng Li,* Hui Jiang, Huamin Zhang, Zhaoping Liu,* Composite membrane with ultra-thin ion exchangeable functional layer:a new separator choice for manganese-based cathode material in lithium ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3, 7006. (PDF)

7.         Zhen Wei, Yonggao Xia,* Bao Qiu, Qian Zhang, Shaojie Han, Zhaoping Liu,* Correlation between transition metal ion migration and the voltage ranges of electrochemical process for lithium-rich manganese-based material. Journal of Power Sources 2015, 281, 7. (PDF)

8.         Zhen Wei, Wei Zhang, Feng Wang, Qian Zhang, Bao Qiu, Shaojie Han, Yonggao Xia,* Yimei Zhu, Zhaoping Liu,* Eliminating voltage decay of lithium-rich Li1.14Mn0.54Ni0.14Co0.14O2 cathodes by controlling the electrochemical process. Chemistry-A European Journal, 2015 (21), 1. (PDF)

9.         Tao Shen, Xufeng Zhou,* Hailiang Cao, Chao Zheng, Zhaoping Liu,* TiO2 (B)-CNT-graphene ternary composite anode material for lithium ion batteries. RSC Advances 2015, 5, 22449. (PDF)

10.     Hailiang Cao, Xufeng Zhou,* Chao Zheng, Zhaoping Liu,* Metal etching method for preparing porous graphene as high performance anode material for lithium-ion batteries. Carbon 2015, 89, 41 (PDF)

11.     C. Zheng, X. Zhou,* H. Cao, G. Wang, Z. Liu,* Controllable synthesis of activated graphene and its application in supercapacitors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 18 (3), 9543. (PDF)

12.     Shaojie Han, Yonggao Xia,* Zhen Wei, Bao Qiu, Lingchao Pan, Qingwen Gu, Zhaoping Liu,*Zhiyong Guo, A Comparative Study on the Oxidation State of Lattice Oxygen among Li1.14Ni0.136Co0.136Mn0.544O2, Li2MnO3, LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 and LiCoO2 for the Initial Charge-Discharge. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 22, 11930. (PDF)

13.     Hailiang Cao, Xufeng Zhou,* Chao Zheng, Zhaoping Liu,*Two-Dimensional Porous Micro/Nano Metal Oxides Templated by Graphene Oxide. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7 (22), 11984. (PDF)

14.     Xing Xin, Xufeng Zhou,* Tao Shen, Zhaoping Liu,*Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Graphene Wrapped SnxTi1−xO2 Nanoparticles as an Anode Material for Li-Ion Batteries. Journal of Nanomaterials 2015, 1. (PDF)

15.     Lan Xia, Yonggao Xia,* Chuanshui Wang, Huasheng Hu, Saixi Lee, Qi Yu, Huichuang Chen, Zhaoping Liu*, 5 V-Class Electrolytes Based on Fluorinated Solvents for Li-Ion Batteries with Excellent Cyclability. ChemElectroChem 2015, 2, 1707-1712(PDF

16.     Kangke Jin, Xufeng Zhou,* Zhaoping Liu,* Graphene/Sulfur/Carbon Nanocomposite for High Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries .Nanomaterials 2015, 5, 1481. (PDF)

17.     Li, ZZ, Wang, W, Li, ZH, Qin, ZH, Wang, J,* Liu, ZP,* Bridging porous Si-C composites with conducting agents for improving battery cycle life. Journal of Power Sources 2015, 286, 534-539.(PDF)

18.     Binbin Lv, Chao Zheng, Li Xu, Xufeng Zhou,* Hailiang Cao, Zhaoping Liu,*Porous graphene-like materials prepared from hollow carbonaceous microspheres for supercapacitors. ChemNanoMat 2015, 1, 422-429. (PDF)

19.     秦来芬, 夏永高,* 陈立鹏, 胡华胜, 肖锋, 刘兆平,* 新一代动力锂离子电池磷酸锰锂正极材料的研究现状与展望J.Electrochem  2015, 21(3), 253.(PDF)

20.     Yejian Xue, He Miao,* Shanshan Sun, Qin Wang, Shihua Li, Zhaoping Liu,* Template-directed fabrication of porous gas diffusion layer for magnesium air batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2015, 297, 202. (PDF)

21.     苗鹤,* 薛业建, 周旭峰, 刘兆平,* 石墨烯基氧还原催化剂在金属空气电池中的应用. Progress in Chemistry 2015, 27(7), 935.(PDF)

22.     Liqun He, Jian Ye, Min Shuai, Zhuan Zhu, Xufeng Zhou, Yanan Wang, Yang Li, Zhihua Su, HaiyanZhang, Ying Chen, Zhaoping Liu, Zhengdong Cheng,* Jiming Bao,* Graphene oxide liquid crystals for reflective displays without polarizing optics. Nanoscale 2015, 7, 1616. (PDF)

23.     Junwei Zhang, Caihong Xu, Zhaoping Liu, Wei Wang, Xing Xin, Lu Shen, Xiaobing Zhou, Jie Zhou, Qing Huang,* Enhanced Rate Capability of Polymer-Derived SiCN Anode Material for Electrochemical Storage of Lithium with 3-D Carbon Nanotube Network Dispersed. Nanoscale 2015, 15 (4), 3067. (PDF)



1.         Minghao Zhang, Yuanzhuang Liu, Yonggao Xia,* Bao Qiu, Jun Wang, Zhaoping Liu,*Simplified Co-precipitation Synthesis of Spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 with Improved Physical and Electrochemical Performance. Journal of Alloys and Compounds.2014, 598, 73.(PDF)

2.         Chao Zheng, Xufeng Zhou,* Hailiang Cao, Guohua Wang, Zhaoping Liu,*Synthesis of porous graphene/activated carbon composite with high packing density and large specific surface area for supercapacitor electrode material. Journal of Power Sources 2014, 258, 290. (PDF)

3.         Laifen Qin, Yonggao Xia,* Hailiang Cao, Linjun Luo, Qian Zhang, Lipeng Chen, Zhaoping Liu,*Effects of Ti additive on the structure and electrochemical performance of LiMnPO4 cathode material. Electrochimica Acta 2014, 123, 240. (PDF)

4.         Bao  Qiu, Qian Zhang, Huasheng Hu, Jun Wang, Juanjuan Liu, Yonggao Xia,* Yongfeng Zeng, Xiaolan Wang, Zhaoping Liu,* Electrochemical investigation of Li-excess layered oxide cathode materials/mesocarbon microbead in 18650 batteries. Electrochimica Acta 2014, 123, 317. (PDF)

5.         Yuanzhuang Liu, Minghao Zhang, Yonggao Xia,* Bao Qiu, Zhaoping Liu,* Xing Li, One-step hydrothermal method synthesis of core–shell LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 spinel cathodes for Li-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2014, 256, 66. (PDF)

6.         C. Zheng, X.F. Zhou,* H.L. Cao, G.H. Wang, Z.P. Liu,* Edge-enriched porous graphene nanoribbons for high energy density supercapacitors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014, 2 (20), 7484. (PDF)

7.         Junli Shi, Huasheng Hu, Yonggao Xia,* Yuanzhuang Liu, Zhaoping Liu* , Polyimide matrix enhanced cross-linked gel separator with three-dimensional heat-resistance skeleton for high safety and high power lithium ion battery Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014, 2, 9134. (PDF)

8.         Liang Chen, Leyuan Zhang, Xufeng Zhou,* Zhaoping Liu,* Aqueous Batteries Based on Mixed Monovalence Metal Ions:A New Battery Family. ChemSusChem 2014, 8, 2295. (PDF)

9.         Bao Qiu, Jun Wang, Yonggao Xia* Zhen Wei, Shaojie Han, Zhaoping Liu,* Temperature dependence of the initial coulombic efficiency in Li-rich layered Li[Li0.144Ni0.136Co0.136Mn0.544]O2 oxide for lithium-ions batteries, Journal of Power Sources 2014, 268, 517. (PDF).

10.     Bao Qiu, Jun Wang, Yonggao Xia,* Zhen Wei, Shaojie Han, Zhaoping Liu,*Enhanced Electrochemical Performance with Surface Coating by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering on Lithium-Rich Layered Oxide Electrodes. ACS Applied Materials & Interface 2014, 6, 9185. (PDF).

11.     Junli Shi, Tao Shen, Huasheng Hu, Yonggao Xia,* Zhaoping Liu* , Sandwich-like heat-resistance composite separators with tunable pore structure for high power high safety lithium ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources. 2014, 271, 134. (PDF)

12.     Shaojie Han, Bao Qiu, Zhen Wei, Yonggao Xia,* Zhaoping Liu,* Surface structural conversion and electrochemical enhancement by heat treatment of chemical pre-delithiation processed lithium-rich layered cathode material. Journal of Power Sources 2014, 268, 683. (PDF)

13.     Leyuan Zhang, Liang Chen, Xufeng Zhou*, Zhaoping Liu,*Towards High-Voltage Aqueous Metal-Ion Batteries Beyond 1.5 V: The Zinc/Zinc Hexacyanoferrate System. Advanced Energy Materials 2014, 2, 1400930. (PDF)

14.     Junli Shi, Yonggao Xia,* Shaojie Han, Lifeng Fang, Meizi Pan, Xiaoxiong Xu, Zhaoping Liu* , Lithium ion conductive Li1.5Al0.5Ge1.5 (PO4)3 based inorganic–organic composite separator with enhanced thermal stability and excellent electrochemical performances in 5 V lithium ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2014, 273, 389. (PDF)

15.     王国华, 裴晓英, 夏永高, 刘兆平, 锂离子电池硅基负极专利分析报告.知识产权动态.2014, 12, 28.(PDF)



1.         Lingjun Hu, Bao Qiu, YonggaoXia,* Zhihong Qin, LaifenQin, XufengZhou, Zhaoping Liu,* Solvothermal synthesis of Fe-doping LiMnPO4 nanomaterials for Li-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2014, 248, 246. (PDF)

2.         王国华, 周旭峰, 刘兆平, 石墨烯专利技术分析报告. 新材料产业. 2013, 11, 37. (PDF)

3.         刘兆平, 周旭峰, 浅谈石墨烯产业化应用现状与发展趋势. 新材料产业. 2013, 9, 4. (PDF)

4.         赛喜雅勒图, 胡华胜, 夏永高,* 肖锋, 刘兆平,* 高温型锰酸锂正极材料的晶体形貌控制和电化学性能. 科学通报. 2013, 58, 3350. (PDF)

5.         KangkeJin, Xufeng Zhou,* Liangzhong Zhang, Xing Xin, Guohua Wang, and Zhaoping Liu,* Sulfur/Carbon Nanotube Composite Film as a Flexible Cathode for Lithium−Sulfur Batteries. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2013, 117, 21112.  (PDF

6.    Hailiang Cao, Xufeng Zhou,* Yiming Zhang, Liang Chen, Zhaoping Liu,* Microspherical polyaniline/graphene nanocomposites for high performance supercapacitors. Journal of Power Sources 2013, 243, 715.  (PDF)

7.         Liang Chen, Qingwen Gu, Xufeng Zhou,* Saixi Lee, Yonggao Xia, Zhaoping Liu,* New-concept batteries based on aqueous Li+/Na+ mixed-ionelectrolytes. Scientific Report 2013, 3, 1946.(PDF)

8.         BaoQiu, Jun Wang, Yonggao Xia,* Yuanzhuang Liu, Laifen Qin, Xiayin Yao, Zhaoping Liu,* Effects of Na+ contents on electrochemical properties of Li1.2Ni0.13Co0.13Mn0.54O2 cathode materials. Journal of Power Sources 2013, 240, 530.(PDF)

9.         Laifen Qin, Yonggao Xia,* Bao Qiu, Hailiang Cao, Yuanzhuang Liu, Zhaoping Liu,* Synthesis and electrochemical performances of (1-x)LiMnPO4·xLi3V2(PO4)3/C composite cathode materials for lithium ion  batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2013, 239, 144.(PDF)

10.     Hailiang Cao, Xufeng Zhou, Zhihong Qin, Zhaoping Liu,* Low-temperature preparation of nitrogen-doped graphene for supercapacitors. Carbon 2013, 56, 218.(PDF)

11.     Liang Zhou, Xufeng Zhou, Xiaodan Huang, Zhaoping Liu, Dongyuan Zhao, Xiangdong Yao,* and Chengzhong Yu,* Designed synthesis of LiMn2O4 microspheres with adjustable hollow structures for lithium-ion battery applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013, 1, 837.(PDF)



1.         Xing Xin, Xufeng Zhou,* Jinghua Wu, Xiayin Yao, Zhaoping Liu,* Scalable Synthesis of TiO2/Graphene Nanostructured Composite with High-Rate Performance for Lithium Ion Batteries. ACS Nano 2012, 6, 11035. (PDF

2.         Zhihong Qin, Xufeng Zhou,* Yonggao Xia, Changlin Tang, Zhaoping Liu,* Morphology controlled synthesisand modification of high-performance LiMnPO4 cathode materials for Li-ion batteries. Journal Of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22, 21114.(PDF

3.         Xing Xin, Xufeng Zhou,* Feng Wang, Xiayin Yao, Xiaoxiong Xu, Yimei Zhu, Zhaoping Liu,* A 3D porous architecture of Si/grapheme nanocomposite as high-performance anode materials for Li- ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22, 7724.(PDF

4.         Jun Wang, Guoxia Yuan, Minghao Zhang, Bao Qiu, Yonggao Xia,* Zhaoping Liu,* The structure, morphology, and electrochemical properties of Li1+xNi1/6Co1/6Mn4/6O2.25+x/2 (0.1≤x≤0.7)cathode materials. Electrochimica Acta 2012, 66, 61.(PDF

5.         Jun Wang, Minghao Zhang, Changlin Tang, Yonggao Xia,* Zhaoping Liu,* Microwave-irradiation synthesis of Li1.3NixCoyMn1−x−yO2.4 cathode materials for lithium ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta 2012, 80, 15.(PDF

6.         Jun Wang, Bao Qiu, Hailiang Cao, Yonggao Xia,* Zhaoping Liu,* Electrochemical properties of 0.6Li[Li1/3Mn2/3]O2–0.4LiNixMnyCo1−x−yOcathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2012, 218, 128.(PDF

7.         Xing Xin, Xiayin Yao, Yiming Zhang, Zhaoping Liu,* Xiaoxiong Xu,* Si/C nanocomposite anode materials by freeze-drying with enhanced electrochemical performance in lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 2012, 16, 2733.(PDF

8.         Juanjuan Liu, Jun Wang, Yonggao Xia, Xufeng Zhou, Yaletu Saixi, Zhaoping Liu,* Synthesis and electrochemical performance of Li1+xNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2+δ (0≤x≤0.15) cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Materials Research Bulletin 2012, 47, 807.(PDF

9.         Minghao Zhang, Jun Wang, Yonggao Xia,* Zhaoping Liu,* Microwave synthesis of spherical spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 as cathode material for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2012, 518, 68.(PDF

10.     Xiaodan Huang, Xufeng Zhou, Kun Qian, Dongyuan Zhao, Zhaoping Liu,* Chengzhong Yu,* A magnetitenanocrystal/graphene composite as high performance anode for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2012, 514, 76.(PDF

11.     Juanjuan Liu, Xuyang Wang, Xiayin Yao, Jun Wang, Zhaoping Liu,* Homogeneous precipitation of α-phase Co-Ni hydroxides hexagonal platelets. Particuology 2012, 10, 24.(PDF

12.     Xiayin Yao, Xing Xin, Yiming Zhang, Jun Wang, Zhaoping Liu,* Xiaoxiong Xu,* Co3O4 nanowires as highcapacity anode materials for lithium ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2012, 521, 95.(PDF

13.     Qinghong Liu, Xufeng Zhou, Xinyu Fan, Chunyang Zhu, Xiayin Yao, Zhaoping Liu,* Mechanical and  Thermal Properties of Epoxy Resin Nanocomposites Reinforced with Graphene Oxide. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 2012, 51, 251.(PDF

14.     Qinghong Liu, Xiayin Yao, Xufeng Zhou, Zhihong Qin, Zhaoping Liu,* Varistor effect in Ag-graphene/epoxy resin nanocomposites. Scripta Materialia 2012, 66, 113.(PDF

15.     Qinghong Liu, Xiayin Yao, Zhaoping Liu,* Single Layer Graphene oxide sheets-epoxy nanocomposites with greatly improved mechanical and thermal properties. Advanced Materials Research 2012, 391, 175.(PDF

16.     Y. F. Lin, S. C. Chiu, S. T. Wang, S. K. Fu, C. H. Chen, W. J. Xie, S. H. Yang, C. S. Hsu, J. F. Chen, X. F.  Zhou, Zhaoping Liu, J. Fang, W. B. Jian,* Dielectrophoretic placementof quasi-zero-, one-, andtwo-dimensional nanomaterials into nanogap for electrical characterizations. Electrophoresis 2012, 33, 2475.(PDF

17.     K. F. Kong, M. Li, X. Y. Yao, J. M. Xu, A. D. Wang, Zhaoping Liu, G. H. Li, Template-free hydrothermalsynthesis of VO2 hollow microspheres.Crystengcomm.2012, 14, 3858.(PDF



1.         Xufeng Zhou, Feng Wang, Yimei Zhu, Zhaoping Liu,* Graphene modified LiFePOcathode materials forhigh power lithium ion batteries. Journal of  Materials Chemistry 2011, 21, 3353. (PDF

2.         Xiayin Yao, Changlin Tang, Guoxia Yuan, Ping Cui, Xiaoxiong Xu,* Zhaoping Liu,* Porous hematite (alpha- Fe2O3) nanorods as an anode material with enhanced rate capability in lithium-ion batteries. Electrochemistry Communications 2011, 13, 1439. (PDF

3.         Yongqiang Wang,* Zhaoping Liu,* Shaomin Zhou, An effective method for preparing uniform carbon coated nano-sized LiFePO4 particles. Electrochimica Acta 2011, 58, 359. (PDF

4.         Xuyang Wang, Xufeng Zhou, Ke Yao, Jiangang Zhang, Zhaoping Liu,* A SnO2/graphene compositeas ahigh stability electrode for lithium ion batteries. Carbon 2011, 49, 133. (PDF

5.         Jun Wang, Xiayin Yao, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu,* Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Layered Lithium Transition Metal Oxides. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2011, 21, 2544. (PDF

6.         Jun Wang, Yonggao Xia,* Xiayin Yao, Minghao Zhang, Yiming Zhang, Zhaoping Liu,* Synthesis and Electrochemical Feature of a Multiple-phases Li-Rich Nickel Manganese Oxides Cathode Material. International Journal of Electrochemical Science. 2011, 6, 6670. (PDF

7.         Fei Zhuge, Benlin Hu, Congli He, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu, Run-Wei Li,* Mechanism of nonvolatile resistive switching in graphene oxide thin films. Carbon 2011, 49, 3796. (PDF

8.         Xiaodan Huang, Xufeng Zhou, L. A. Zhou, K., Y. H. Wang. Kun Qian, Zhaoping Liu,* Chengzhong Yu,* A   facile one-step solvothermal synthesis of SnO2/Graphene nanocomposite and its application as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries. CHEMPHYSCHEM 2011, 12, 278. (PDF

9.         Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu,* Graphene foam as an anode for high-rate Li-ion batteries. IOP Conf.  Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng 2011, 18(6). (PDF

10.     Qinghong Liu, Xiayin Yao, Zhaoping Liu,* Single Layer Graphene Oxide Sheet-Epoxy Nanocomposites with Greatly Improved Mechanical and Thermal Properties.Advanced Materials Research 2011, 391, 175.(PDF)


1.         Zhaoping Liu, Xufeng Zhou, Yitai Qian,* Synthetic Methodologies for Carbon Nanomaterials. Advanced Materials 2010, 22, 1963. (PDF

2.         Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu,* A scalable, solution-phase processing route to ultralarge graphene sheets. Chemical Communications 2010, 46, 2611. (PDF

3.          Shiliu Yang, Xufeng Zhou, Jiangang Zhang, Zhaoping Liu,* Morphology-controlled solvothermal synthesis of LiFePO4 as a cathode material for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2010, 20, 8086. (PDF

4.         Dan Xu, Stoyan Bliznakov, Zhaoping Liu, Jiye Fang, Nikolay Dimitrov, Composition-Dependent Electrocatalytic Activity of Pt-Cu Nanocube Catalysts for Formic Acid Oxidation Catalysts for Formic Acid Oxidation, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2010, 49, 1282

